Molecular Nutrition Receives Patent for New Anabolic Discovery.

The U.S. Patent office granted patent # 6,841,573 for the unique ability of arachidonic acid to “Increase skeletal muscle mass in humans”.

Jupiter, FL, October 28, 2005:
William Llewellyn, Anabolic expert and Founder / C.E.O. of Molecular Nutrition, has been awarded a U.S. Patent for his recent discovery of a uniquely anabolic bio-chemical released from muscle tissue during intense exercise. This newly discovered bio-chemical, now identified as arachidonic acid, is responsible for initiating the anabolic cascade of reactions responsible for growth and recovery of muscle tissue.

Llewellyn, a recognized leader in anabolic research and author of ANABOLICS 2005 (fourth edition), has extensively researched anabolic substances for over 15 years. His latest research objective was to identify the bio-chemical connection between muscle training and muscle growth. He was looking for the bio-chemical factor that starts the anabolic cascade after the muscle fiber is stimulated and stressed from intense exercise. He dubbed this unknown factor the anabolic “X-Factor”.

After 35,108 hours of intense research, and working through 5,832 published clinical studies, he discovered the answer to the mysterious “X-Factor”. The “X-Factor™” is a biochemical released from the muscle tissue after intense exercise, now recognized to be the anabolic-response amplification nutrient arachidonic acid. This discovery was so significant to anabolic muscle building that Llewellyn appropriately named the substance “X-Factor”, and applied for a U.S. Patent. On January 11, 2005 the U.S. Patent office granted Llewellyn patent #6,841,573 for using arachidonic acid to increase muscle mass in humans.

Llewellyn states, “I believe this scientific discovery to be of great significance to understanding how the body rebuilds muscle tissue after strenuous exercise. Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid produced naturally by the body that when released during exercise, initiates muscle tissue recovery. This is a major discovery that will have a lasting impact on how to safely and effectively recover muscle tissue in order to improve physical development and athletic performance.”

What is now known from Llewellyn’s research is that arachidonic acid increases the production of tissue-repairing prostaglandins during exercise. Prostaglandins, which are produced in the body from arachidonic acid, are the core mediators of skeletal muscle growth. They are formed during intense exercise, and are responsible for controlling protein breakdown and synthesis rates, promoting vasodilation (increasing nutrient availability to damaged muscles), augmenting androgen receptor concentrations (allowing testosterone to be more active in local tissues), and amplifying IGF-1 signaling.

Llewellyn’s company, Molecular Nutrition, has introduced a dietary supplement named X-Factor™, which contains 250mg. of arachidonic acid per serving. By sustaining higher levels of arachidonic acid in muscle tissue, supplementation with X-Factor™ has been reported to deliver powerful benefits to bodybuilders and athletes alike. It accelerates fast twitch muscle fiber growth, facilitates rapid strength and power increases, boosts muscular endurance, and reduces fat mass. And because it contains a powerful but natural polyunsaturated fatty acid, is not banned (nor tested for) by competitive sport organizations.

Currently the subject of an independent clinical study at two major universities, X-Factor™ (arachidonic acid) is being extensively researched for its amazing anabolic influence on muscle growth. Results will be published at the completion of a double-blind clinical study of 30 resistance-trained men. A preliminary “Real-Life” 50 day cycle study conducted on resistance-trained bodybuilders concluded with the following results:

• Lean Muscle Mass Increased by an Average of 8.25 lbs.
• Muscle gains up to 12 lbs.
• Body Fat Reductions up to 13 lbs.
• Muscle Pumps Increased Dramatically
• Incredible Gains in Muscle Strength and Endurance

Currently, arachidonic acid is only available from Molecular Nutrition, and is protected by U.S. Patent. The company plans to offer the patented ingredient to other bodybuilding supplement manufacturers under license beginning January 2006. Interested parties can contact the company for more information.

Catherine Moe
1-888-828-8008 ext. 410
Fax: 561-658-3310